Pori hierarchaeth y sefydliad TIM1: The Faculty of Invention
Where ideas are incubated.
Pori Adran
Enw Trefnu yn ôl enw | Cod Trefnu yn ôl cod | Math Trefnu yn ôl math |
History of Invention | INV101 | Modiwl |
History of Invention 2 | INV202 | Modiwl |
Laura Elevate Testing | LUTEST | Modiwl |
Rhestrau wedi'u cysylltu The Faculty of Invention
Teitl Trefnu yn ôl teitl | Block | Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf Trefnu yn ôl y diweddariad diwethaf |
Draft List Test | Year 2013-2014 Daeth i ben 31/08/2014 | 18/06/2014 13:28:37 |
Draft List Test | Year 2014-2015 Daeth i ben 31/05/2015 | 26/02/2016 10:33:36 |
Draft List Test | Year 2013-2014 Daeth i ben 31/08/2014 | 02/03/2016 11:16:57 |
List A | Year 2013-2014 Daeth i ben 31/08/2014 | 15/07/2014 11:36:54 |
List A | Year 2014-2015 Daeth i ben 31/05/2015 | 26/02/2016 10:33:42 |
List A | Rollover Demo Year 2016/17 Daeth i ben 31/07/2017 | 03/06/2016 13:57:41 |
List A | Rollover Demo Year 2017/18 Daeth i ben 31/07/2018 | 15/09/2016 17:31:46 |
List A | Academic Year 2021/22 Daeth i ben 31/08/2022 | 27/07/2022 11:50:41 |
OCLC test | Academic Year 2022/23 Daeth i ben 31/08/2023 | 19/07/2022 08:35:56 |
Release testing 30/06/14 - test | Year 2015-2016 Daeth i ben 31/08/2016 | 15/12/2015 13:17:01 |
TADC - test rollover no time period | 05/07/2019 15:51:13 | |
Test student numbers list | Test semester 2 Daeth i ben 30/06/2019 | 25/07/2018 10:14:29 |
Test student numbers list | Academic Year 2022/23 Daeth i ben 31/08/2023 | 18/05/2022 06:21:06 |